Be Still

I recently read a devotional on Psalm 46:10a, “Be still, and know that I am God.” In it, the author mentioned how the word for the phrase ‘be still’ can also be translated as “let go, cease striving and relax”. This insight hit me in such a profound way, that I found myself asking what presently was I striving for? What thoughts were captivating my mind preventing me from relaxing? What emotionally was I unable to let go?

I decided to make a list of the things that consumed my mind, emotions, time, and energy. Things that brought me worry, fear and concern, as well as things I found myself working on trying to fix. After compiling my list, I looked back at Psalm 46:10 and said to myself, “Now relax, let go and stop striving on these things and know God.”

Knowing God more should be our goal. Psalms 46 begins in verse one with a declaration of God being our “refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” In verse eight we are invited to behold the works of the Lord who has the power to bring desolation and end wars. It is in considering who God is and what He can do, we are then told to be still. Why? So that we can know Him. A knowledge that declares He is above all things and able to handle all things. We show the truth we believe this about God in our ability to relax, cease striving and let go. God is our refuge, strength, and help in difficult times. A right view of Him frees our mind and emotions to just rest securely in His loving presence. When we truly know God in a way that causes us to still, others take note. (Psalm 46:10b).

So, what consumes your mind and emotions? What are you working so hard to fix or stop from happening? Is there anything that is keeping you from being still in the presence of your Heavenly Father? Relax, let it go and stop striving so that you can know God and experience the security His intimate presence brings (Psalm 46:11).


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