Together, the Best Year Yet!

A new year means new beginnings and a chance to make changes. One of the most common resolutions people make is to get into better physical shape. In fact, many gyms and health clubs see a spike in attendance, to the point where they even bring in extra equipment. Sadly, that spike only lasts about a week, and then the equipment is gone and things go back to business as usual. 

From what I am told, those who already go to the gym regularly hate the beginning of a new year. Why? Because they are inconvenienced by longer wait times in sharing the equipment they normally had no problem having access to because of the people who are in need of a change, but lack what it takes to actually follow through with it. 

It shouldn’t be this way right? Why are those who have what someone else so desperately needs so bothered by a small personal cost like inconvenience? In fact, aren’t they missing a great opportunity? 

Yes, I know ultimately the decision to change and stick with it is within each of us, but what I have come to realize is that when we cheer others on, making room for others to grow in such a way to where they are held accountable but we also go the extra mile to help them make changes, the chances of success goes up. We are better together than by ourselves, but oftentimes it’s the “stronger” people who have to give up more for the “weaker” people. 

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions…Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother….We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”  Romans 14:1,13,15:1

If we do this when it comes to what is seen - that is physical health, how much more do we do this with the unseen - that is spiritual health? While physical health is super important and something we all need to have good habits in, spiritual health is of the utmost importance (1 Timothy 4:8). As followers of Christ, we are not to have the same attitude and heart response as those at the gym, where our judgment and desire to not be inconvenienced and bothered keep us from welcoming and supporting others who need what we already have- in this case spiritual health. Spiritual health is truly a matter of life and death, with Jesus being the Only One who can give eternal life. (John 14:6, 20:31, Deut 30:19-20) Life in Christ is more than just a time far away in heaven, but rather it’s for every single day now; life of fruitfulness, abundance, and intimacy with our Creator. (1 John 5:11, John 10:10, Galatians 5:22-23)

So how can we, as fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, be different this 2024? It starts inside our hearts right now by asking God to help us make a change. Do you know someone who is trying to read the Bible for the first time (or perhaps the 20th time) in its entirety? Pray right now for the Lord to open their spiritual eyes, so that they will see and encounter the One True Creator and Sustainer of the Universe in such a way, they are forever changed (Acts 26:18). If you don’t know someone by name, you can still pray and ask God for that unknown person who is right now trying to read the Bible or attend church in 2024.

Better yet, who can you come alongside, linking arms with them, and help them grow in consistency in walking with Jesus? If you do not know who that one person is, then ask God to put someone in your path this week. This is a prayer He longs to answer, but the question is: Are we willing to make the sacrifice and become inconvenienced in helping someone gain healthy spiritual habits in 2024? 

My prayer is that we, the Bride of Christ, act differently this year in 2024. I know it starts with me and I am asking you to prayerfully join me in this too. There are people we come into contact with that need what we have - that is eternal life in Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and it’s time we the church remember that we are better together (John 14:6, Acts 2:42-47). Together, let’s help reach out to others so that 2024 is the best year yet!


God’s Timing Requires Patience


The Seed Stealer