Unfathomable Forgiveness

Have you ever denied knowing someone? Can you imagine pretending not to know a family member or close friend? And if you did, can you imagine being forgiven by that same person? Loved even? Most of us can’t fathom that kind of denial or that kind of forgiveness. 

Jesus was denied by someone He loved — and at His worst moment in life. That person who denied Him was one of his closest friends and disciples: Peter. However, BEFORE the denial had even happened, Jesus prayed on behalf of this same friend. 

But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon [Peter], that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to Me again, strengthen your brothers. Luke 22:32

So to understand this verse, you need to know that Peter will deny knowing Jesus three times: in ONE day!! (see Luke 22: 54-62) And here, only 30 verses earlier, Jesus had predicted Peter’s upcoming sin. But He also knew that Peter would repent and go on to become a powerful force in the early Christian church.

The first moment of note is that “I” is Jesus and Jesus is the one praying on behalf of Peter — that Peter will not give up the faith. Jesus knew He was about to be taken and crucified and that would alter the lives of His disciples in multiple ways. Jesus shows such love and grace by praying on behalf of this friend who will make the biggest mistake of his life.

Second, Jesus tells Peter that Peter will repent and renew his commitment to God. Jesus’ prayer is already successful. It’s already been answered. The second section of the verse says “when” – this indicates that Peter will repent and renew his faith. So, 30 verses from this point, when Peter feels like a failure of the faith, remembering how Jesus interceded for him will serve as such a sweet gift.

Finally, Jesus gives a command as the final section of this verse. He is told to strengthen his brothers. After having denied Christ, repenting and turning back towards God, Peter goes on to strengthen believers, new and old. Since Jesus prayed for Peter and knew Peter would repent, we also can assume Jesus knows that Peter will take this directive seriously. 

All of this happened because Jesus forgave Peter, before he had even committed the sin for which Jesus was praying. What a blessing for us as believers today! No matter what we have done, or will do, God’s love for us, and the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins is ALWAYS enough. We are forgiven when we repent and God can and will continue to use us. That is unfathomable forgiveness.


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