God’s Quiet Whisper

I think it is safe to say that everyone has gone through a hard season in their life. A season deep in a valley, wondering if it will ever end. A season full of emotional, physical, or mental turmoil. We have all been there.

That was my story my sophomore year of college. I was juggling being a small group leader and the pressures I put on myself to do that perfectly. I was putting my social life before every other part of my life because I never wanted to feel left out, which was mentally and emotionally draining. I had an overwhelming amount of difficult schoolwork to do everyday. And, on top of all of that, I was battling feelings of anxiety.

It was a hard year and I felt like I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t do everything. I felt like I couldn’t lead my group perfectly or be everyone’s best friend. There was even a time when the devil got in my head and told me to quit because I just couldn’t do it. During these struggles, I would cry out to God for help, but it felt like He wasn’t there. I would pray every night for Him to relieve me of my struggles, but He never answered.

Or at least I thought He never answered. Little did I know, He was in those moments answering every request. I just didn’t see it.

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (CSB)

Fast forward a year and I am now a junior. That hard season is behind me. I have taken steps to help me through future hard times, (ie- meditate on Philippians 4:6-7). By doing so, I have been able to look back and realize something: God’s quiet whisper.

God’s whisper came to me one night after a campus worship service.  I sat in my car after it was over and let the night, the worship and the message marinate in my heart. It brought me to tears. I clearly saw how He had brought me through that hard season of my life and was there with me in my present moment. It was through His whisper that I was able to look back and recognize His love for me in that hard time. His love brought me to tears. I realized He walked with me every moment. 

God is with us in our lowest of lows and in the deepest of valleys. He is always beside us, and I know this because I have seen Him there. He never abandons or forsakes us even when it feels like it. He cares deeply. It doesn't always make sense why He loves us so much, but He does. We are perfectly loved by an eternal Father. Our hearts were the price for His son; that’s how much we mean to Him. 

So when you are going through what seems like the hardest season of your life, remember this: you are valued and loved perfectly by an eternal God. When you don’t feel like He is there, lean on Him anyways. Listen for the quiet whisper of your God. It sometimes takes patience, especially when the difficult times do not make sense, but He is truly right there beside you, walking with you in your valley. Remember that He loves you and what you are going through will pass. He will not waste your suffering (James 1:12). Everyday you make it through is a victory! 

It’s my prayer that one day you’ll be able to look back at what you went through, like I have, and count it as joy. Why? Because of God's quiet whisper in that tender moment of my life, I now appreciate and understand the love of God more than I ever did. 


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When Things Don’t Make Sense