Help When Sinking
Several decades later, I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was visiting my aunt and uncle’s house and extremely eager to go swimming. In young, naive enthusiasm I never stopped to consider what the consequences might be if I just ran and jumped into the pool. As you may guessed, as a young girl who was unable to swim, it did not go so well. The only reason why I am here to write about it today is because someone saved me. I was saved by a strong hand that reached out and pulled me up from drowning.
Peter, if he heard my account, might say he understood my dire situation. Matthew 14 recalls the time where he too experienced the power of a strong outstretched hand. It began when he and the other disciples were on the water in a boat that was “beaten by the waves, for the wind was against them” (v. 24). Can you relate? Have you ever felt like there were circumstances in life that were beating and coming against you? If that is you right now, know you are not alone. There is One who is drawing near to you.
Jesus miraculously walked on water to His frightened disciples, assuring them with His presence, they could stop being afraid (v. 27). Although the invitation to come and join Jesus on the water was available to all in the boat, only Peter responds. Matthew 14:29-30 says “Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”
I think when we envision this account, we usually picture Peter drowning. Probably because if we are honest with ourselves, we often wait until we are drowning to cry out for help. Even though Peter’s troubles were related to his own fear and doubt, it didn’t stop him from knowing the best time to cry out to Jesus was when he first began to sink. Do you allow fears and doubts to keep you from believing Jesus would ever want to help you? Immediately upon hearing the words ‘Lord, save me’, Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter (v.31).
I am so grateful that during a time in my life where I could not cry out for help, someone chose to save me. Jesus is the Savior of the world and He immediately responds to those who ask (I John 4:14). So no matter where you find yourself today in the circumstances of life, whether it’s completely underwater or just beginning to sink, cry out to Jesus for help. Like Peter, trust that He is always near, willing and able to help you too!