Prayer 101
Have you ever wondered whether prayer actually matters? I think we have all wondered that before. In order to understand why prayer matters, it’s important to understand the basics. Call this Prayer 101.
What is prayer? How does a person pray?
Prayer is the word used to describe when a person talks to God. Prayer can be held by one individual or corporately with others. How does a person pray? Simply put, just start talking to God. He knows when you are speaking to Him. For some, this takes on a more traditional style where they close their eyes and fold their hands as a way to help them stay focused and free from any distractions. Others prefer to journal. Writing down one’s prayer is a great way to keep track of what is spoken and how God replies. Whether formal or informal, spoken out loud or silently kept private, prayer is like any other conversation which incorporates both listening and speaking. This is why many individuals who are in a regular habit of praying set aside intentional time to be still or quiet, so they can hear from God. He speaks to those who are intent on listening, and they hear Him response through His Spirit and/or His written word known as the Bible. This is where the term “quiet time” has derived and is often used by those who regularly talk with God. It refers to an intentional time where the person sets aside some part of their day to speak with and listen to Him through prayer and the reading of His Word.
Who can pray? Is there a specific place or time in which a person should pray?
Prayer is not limited to any age, gender, nationality, ethnicity, political affiliation, social or economic status, etc…. Nor is it exclusive to any one particular religion. Again, the One True God of the universe knows when any person is wanting to draw near to Him in prayer and we are assured He hears them. (see Psalm 102:17, Jeremiah 29:12-13, 1 Peter 3:12, 1 John 5:13-15, James 4:8, 1 Timothy 2:8) Thus, prayer is free and available to all people, any time, anywhere. Nicky Gumbel, vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton in London, said, “God longs for you to talk to Him about what is on your heart. You don’t need to hold back or censor what you talk to Him about or try to come across as something you are not. He already knows everything about you; He wants to hear it from you and to talk it through with you. Be yourself with God when you pray - not the way you think you should be.” (Bible in One Year 2020 with Nicky Gumbel, Day 326 Devotional, Version 9.16, RED The most important element of prayer is not the goodness of the person, length, location or time of prayer but rather whether or not you pray.
Is there a set script or particular formula or method one should use?
The answer is no. In Matthew 6, Jesus taught on how to pray and is where we get what is known as the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer was given to us to help guide us on the elements of prayer as opposed to specific words to memorize and say. God is not interested in insincere words spat off in rote. (see Matthew 6:7) The elements of prayer Jesus taught include:
Reverence for God (v.9-10) - this includes esteeming God as God and recognizing His Divine will be done through praise, worship and/or thanksgiving
Requests for daily needs (v.11) - this can be for ourselves or others
Forgiveness (v.12) - not only for the things we have done wrong but help in forgiving others when they have wronged us or someone else we care about
Help (v.13) - this includes doing what’s right in the sight of God and others
Protection (v.13) - this can be for ourselves, others, schools, neighborhoods, nations, etc…
What are the benefits of prayer?
There are so many benefits to prayer, it’s impossible to list them all. But here are just a few things people have experienced through the power of prayer. (See Matthew 6:9-13, James 1:5, 5:16-17, Philippians 4:6, 2 Chronicles 7:14)
But the greatest benefit is the relationship with your Creator. God created you and I to be in a relationship with Him, and like all relationships, they only grow in intimacy and trust when a person makes time for it. How would your relationship with a spouse/partner, family member or friend be if you never spent time talking together? Or how would your relationship be if all the conversations were just one-sided, where the other person did all the talking and never once listened to you? I imagine you would agree that any relationship that is one-sided or lacks an investment of time will eventually fail. The same is true with God. Conversations are key to a strong relationship because it enables us to connect with one another by sharing the joys and sorrows, triumphs and difficulties in life together. In our relationships with others, there is an expectation that the other individual will spend time with us through conversation. God desires this too and that is why Jesus, the Son of God said, when you pray and not if you pray. (see Matthew 6:6)
Is there anything that can inhibit my prayers from being answered?
While there is nothing that can keep God from hearing our prayers, the Bible warns that there are things that can hinder our prayers. Such things include pride, unconfessed sin, doubt, not asking and/or asking with the wrong motives. (See Psalm 66:18, 2 Chronicles 7:14, 1 John 5:13-15, James 1:6-7, 4:2-3)
Prayer matters and it is powerful. If you have not yet developed a regular habit of prayer, I want to encourage you to start today. God’s ear is attentive to listening, the question is will you start talking?