In the fall of 2011, after seeing how much time and resources went into planning and hosting a women’s conference, let alone bringing in a conference speaker, the Lord put a burden in founder of Built Up Ministries, Jen Dugger’s heart to start a nonprofit ministry to meet this growing need. Not every ministry budget can afford a conference, nor does every individual have access to Bible studies, devotionals and attending conference events. She knew the Lord was calling her to use her experiences by partnering up with other called and gifted ministry leaders, to provide resources to ministry groups and individuals so that they could experience what she had been so blessed to know – a life-changing moment that comes when we encounter God in the fullness of His glory!

So if you are a ministry team who is looking for a worship leader or conference speaker for an event, we would love to help you! We never want money to become the obstacle that stands in the way of a person or group of people from experiencing the love of God that comes from an intimate relationship with Jesus. You can contact us by filling out the form below.  

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